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Sunday, December 22, 2013

How to install Jira 6.0.6 on a QNAP TS-569 Pro

The QNAP TS-569 Pro is a Intel Atom based NAS system. Therefore it should be no problem to run any Java based application on it.
I managed to get JDK 7 up and running as well, so Jira should be possible too. I installed version 6.0.6, 32 bit edition, but newer versions should run as well.
Keep in mind that the QNAP TS-569 Pro is running a 32 Bit Linux, despite the fact that the underlying architecture is 64 bit.
I upgraded my RAM to 4GB because running Java server applications like Jira or Confluence need more than the stock 1GB.


  1. All commands are executed using a ssh connection (admin user) to the TS-569 Pro
  2. I did not use a bash environment. Only the built in sh shell was used.
  3. In general you don't need a separate installation of Java 6 or 7, because Jira comes with a bundled JRE 7. My NAS already had a JDK 7 installation with JAVA_HOME pointing to that location. But in principle this should not be necessary.
  4. To configure the MySQL service I used the phpmyadmin QPKG installation
  5. To make things a little bit easier for me and to have more Linux feeling I installed Optware IPKG 
Brief installation instructions:
  1. Create an installation directory for Jira. I chose /share/MD0_Data/Opt/jira but this is totally free and up to you.
  2. Download the 32 Bit installer version of Jira. and save it to a folder on your NAS. It is a script which contains the complete Jira distribution. You don't have to extract anything manual. 
  3. Change into the directory where the downloaded file resides
  4. If not already done make the script executable: chmod +x atlassian-jira-6.0.6-x32.bin
  5. Start the script by executing: ./atlassian-jira-6.0.6-x32.bin
  6. You will get an error saying:
    Sorry, but I could not find gunzip in path. Aborting
  7. I found the solution for that problem in this forum post:
    The gunzip Version on the QNAP seems to be a different one than the script is expecting. The option -V is not recognized by the QNAP gunzip version.
    So just load the script into an editor of your choice (I used the ipkg emacs version) and remove these lines from the script and save it afterwards:
  8.  gunzip -V > /dev/null 2>&1  
     if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then  
      echo "Sorry, but I could not find gunzip in path. Aborting."  
      exit 1  
  9. Start the script again and wait a couple of minutes (yes indeed, it took 2-3 minutes on my NAS)
  10. The console installer starts after the script extracted the installation files and you can continue your Jira installation just like described in the official Jira installation documentation.
  11. You may tweak the JVM settings in the file of your Jira installation to adjust memory settings.
  12. That's it. The next thing would be to create start/stop scripts for the runlevels to make the Jira service start whenever the NAS is starting. This is stuff for one of the next articles.

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