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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Howto create a DB field with a reserved name using Hibernate and JPA

I stumbled upon this problem when I switched from a SQLServer 2008 database to a MySQL database 5.5 using Hibernate in Version 3.6.6 with JPA implementation 2.0.

The goal

Generating a MySQL database schema or updating a database schema automatically using Hibernate's feature.

The problem

Using SQLServer for a long time everything worked fine. When switching to MySQL the schema generation failed. In particular, one single table was not created and I couldn't find a hint in Hibernate's log statements.

The solution

My persistence.xml file uses the auto update of a database schema using this property

      <property name="" value="update" />

So far so good. Nothing special here.
I changed the Hibernate dialect to use the MySQL dialect (org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect) and when deploying the application it generates the database schema and it should populate the database with default values. When populating starts it immediately fails with the following Hibernate error message:

"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'interval) values (0, '10', 9, 4, 7, 1)' at line 1"

After a few minutes it came to my mind that the column name "interval" might be a keyword in MySQL. So googling around I found out that I was right. "interval" is a keyword in MySQL (but not in SQLServer).

Ok, reason found. But what is the best way to fix this issue?
Stackoverflow is your friend :-)
Just read this answer from Stackoverflow and you are done.

To summarize shortly:
With Hibernate as JPA 1.0 provider you have to annotate the entity field with enclosing backticks like this:

and when using JPA 2.0 the syntax was standardized you have to escape the column name like this


This is mentioned in chapter 2.13 (Naming of database objects) of the JPA 2.0 specification:

"It is possible to specify on a per-name basis that a name for a database object is to be inter-
preted as a delimited identifier as follows:
• Using annotations, a name is specified as a delimited identifier by enclosing the name
within double quotes, whereby the inner quotes are escaped, e.g.,
• When using XML, a name is specified as a delimited identifier by use of double
quotes, e.g.,
<table name="&quot;customer&quot;"/>"

Using the first (but deprecated) solution you can force Hibernate to quote an identifier in the generated SQL by enclosing the table or column name in backticks in the mapping document. Hibernate will use the correct quotation style for the SQL Dialect. This is usually double quotes, but the SQL Server uses brackets and MySQL uses backticks.

The second solution is the modern and standardized way of forcing your JPA 2.0 and above provider to quote the identifier.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lösung für "mit Windows Update kann derzeit nicht nach Updates gesucht werden"

Wer unter einem Windows 7 (64 Bit) die Funktion "Nach Updates suchen" ausführt und obige Fehlermeldung bekommt fängt erstmal an zu googeln.
Das Problem sollte eigentlich relativ einfach zu beheben sein - dachte ich.
Nun, es gibt diverse Antworten zu dem Problem:
Der letzte Eintrag erwähnt auch das Werkzeug winUpdRestore!v28.exe, welches allerdings mit einem Link in SkyDrive ins Leere läuft.
Die FixIt Lösung von Microsoft hat bei mir nicht funktioniert. Viele Blogeinträge erwähnten jedoch die erfolgreiche Behebung des Problems beim Einsatz des Tools winUpdRestore!v28.exe.

Leider ist dieses Tool so gut wie gar nicht im Web aufzutreiben. Ich habe es dann doch auf dieser Webseite gefunden.

Da ich hoffe, dass dieser Blogartikel auch schnell im Google Index auftaucht, gebe ich hier zwei funktionierende Links für diese Datei an:

Das Tool ist kein offizielles Microsoft Produkt und Microsoft wird seine Gründe haben, warum das Werkzeug nicht mehr zu bekommen ist. Bei mir hat das Tool aber das Problem behoben.