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Monday, August 25, 2008

Reloading the page in Java with GWT

I was looking for the possibility to reload the main page from within my GWT Java client code. After a while searching the GWT mailing list I found this pretty simple solution:

private class MyReloadButtonClickListener implements ClickListener {
  public native void onClick(Widget arg0) /*-{

Works perfectly!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Do you need Subversion 1.5 on your Ubuntu box?

Ubuntu 8.04 does not officially support Subversion 1.5. So what if you want to use it? The solution is simple: Go and check out the website: and add the listed two lines to your apt sources.list.
It simply works!

JSecurity seems promising

In a project I am currently working on we need to implement security (authentication and authorization). Reading this Sonatype blog entry I found out about JSecurity. I will give it a try. Although the lack of documentation is obvious its concept makes the framework very interesting.