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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Release of MAIDEA 1.2.3

This is a bugfix release.

Release Notes - MAIDEA
Version 1.2.3


  • [MAIDEA-58] - Maven process exits because of classpath error when using Maven version 2.0.6
This will be the last release of the plugin because it has moved
(together with the Maven Reloaded plugin) to the Mevenide project on
Codehaus. Information can be found at:

We hope to release a version of the plugin soon.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Resource filtering in Maven2 corrupts images in Jar archive

I had a very strange problem with the Maven2 resource filtering behaviour. I have a resource directory containing XML files and PNG images. Everytime I started to build a JAR archive of my project the images in there were corrupted.
It took me some time to identify the resource filtering as the source of the problem. My configuration filtered all files in that directory. So the images were filtered as well. If the resource plugin sees a filter token in a binary file which in configured to be filtered it replaces the token with the value.
So the solution is either to move the images to a different resource folder or use inclusions/exclusions on the filtered resource directory.
If you plan to just have a single resource directory your configuration of the resource filtering may look like this:





I found the solution in the user mailing list. The interesting posts are:
and this one:

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Maven 2.0.6 released

The Maven Team released Version 2.0.6 of their software today, on April 1st. Let's hope it's not an April fool's joke ;-)