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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Release of IntelliJ IDEA Maven-2 Integration plugin 1.2.2

This is a bugfix release. The issue tracker is now hosted on JetBrains official JIRA site.

Release Notes - Maven-2 Integration
Version 1.2.2


  • [MAIDEA-46] - Multiple values (separated with spaces) in MAVEN_OPTS env variable causes build
  • [MAIDEA-47] - No possibility to declare JVM options (eg. -Xmx128m)

New Feature

  • [MAIDEA-48] - Add "site" phase to list of filtered phases

Release of IntelliJ IDEA Maven-2 Integration plugin 1.2.1

Well, the child now has a name: MAIDEA

Release Notes - MAIDEA - IntelliJ IDEA Maven-2 Plugin - Version 1.2.1


  • Environment errror when executiong jetty:run goal
  • InvalidDataException when settings.xml contains reference to settings XSD


  • Provide better error handling (was: NullPointerException when running any phase)
  • Maven options should be assignable for each POM
  • Integrate Maven Embedder (don't require a preinstalled Maven)

New Feature

  • Show/Edit Maven options in tool window
  • Show/Edit Maven command line options in tool window
  • Provide "Open POM" popup menu entry in Tool Window when POM is selected
  • Allow opening of POMs with double click on POM in Tool Window
  • Have option to filter out uncommonly used phases


  • Update Build documentation